M203 Overhead Services (OHSV)


Provides the knowledge and skills required to install, test and identify Low Voltage overhead services.

Training refresher: Not required for this course.

Training Mode Face to face
Duration 8 hours
COST (ex. GST) $540 per person

Do you have a query or want to discuss the availability of this course? Please submit a Training availability enquiry form.


This course has no prerequisites.

2 Locations

Oxley 19 Bannerman Street, Oxley QLD 4075
Raceview 21 Thornton Street, Raceview QLD 4305

Upcoming Course Sessions

All sessions for this course are fully booked. If you would like to enquire about future sessions, please complete a training availability enquiry form.

Skills Acquired

On successful completion of this module including all prerequisites and assessments you should have these skills:

  • Describe the standards and requirements for LV service installations
  • Identify an appropriate service point of attachment
  • Identify and select appropriate service components
  • Install an LV overhead service and associated equipment
  • Inspect and maintain LV overhead services and associated equipment
  • Follow customer relations and data reporting procedures